Guilty Pleasure Blog Salon Sauvignon Ptuj 2017

My TOP (by stasa cafuta trcek)

  • Sauvignon Breg dry, 2015, Klet Marof, Prekmurje Wine District, Podravje Wine Region, Slovenia

  • Cuvée Petit – Sauvignon Blanc dry 2015, DOC Dragasani, AVINCIS Winery, Romania

  • Sauvignon AERO dry 2013 - Essenz from amphora, Biodyn Wein Von Ploder - Rosenberg Vulkanland, Steiermark, Austria


Salon Sauvignon 2017, May 20th, Ptuj, Slovenia

by joze rozman (text) stasa cafuta trcek (photo)

translation by spela tezak

Sauvignon Blanc lives all around the globe & it shows its best qualities in the colder climate areas like in Štajerska Slovenia

Salon Sauvignon 2017 took place in Ptuj on 20th of May. Dominican Monastery hosted 64 Winemakers from Slovenia (far the most), Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, France and New Zealand, who offered a chance to explore, evaluate and enjoy 120 samples of Sauvignon Blanc. About four hundred visitors of the festival of wine and art met them all, from dry to sweet, young to matured and archive, standard harvest to dry berry selection.

In Slovenia his favorite place is Podravje, but this doesn't mean there was no samples from Posavje and Primorska districts. In the world as well as here Sauvignon Blanc's prevalence among white varieties is in the third place. With 1100 hecters of vineyards in world range, Slovenian winegrowers contribute with 1%, so there is 110 thousand hecters globally. The number is growing fast in last 15, 20 years, mostly thanks to New Zealand (18 thousand ha) which made it a world hit and France (27 thousand ha). Sauvignon Blanc lives all around the globe, but it shows its best qualities in the colder climate areas.

At the program was a Master Tasting A face-to-face confrontation of Slovene and foreign Sauvignons lead by Frank Smulders, Master of Wine from the Netherlands. 100 years of the Golden Vine (Zlata Trta 1917) the oldest Slovenian wine; lecture by Marija Hernja Masten. What have Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon got in common? Was called workshop including wine tasting monitored by Jože Rozman, wine publicist, and Boštjan Zidar, main oenologist at Vinakoper wine cellar. The second Master Tasting - Wine in the Silk of Time; Slovenian archival Sauvignons presented by Frank Smulders MW.