90th Anniversary of Wicked Tasting
What: 90th anniversary of Wicked Tasting! //HUDA POKUŠNJA! (in Slovenian Language) // Author evenings in the company of selected books and wines // under the patronage of Days of Poetry and Wine (DPW)
Text & Photo: Staša Bizjak / 2 photos by Matej Pušnik
Where: Ptuj, Slovenia
When: Since 2013 // Lastly from 23rd to 26th August 2023
What is all about
First Wicked Tasting started 10 years ago in 2013 at MuziKafe in Ptuj, the oldest town in Slovenia. Event is dedicated to the presentation of the winemaker with its fine wines and the writer with its book. At the stage there are seated 2 guests and 2 coordinators of the event. Wine publicist Jože Rozman is talking with winemaker. Kristina Kočan (programme director of DPW) connect conversation with writer or poet. My job as a wine taster is to choose the wine guests and wines. At the event me and Milan Stojičević are serving the wines.
The goal of the event is to get to know the guest personally. Get to know the wines in person. Get to know in depth the message of the book. Wicked tasting! Is held almost every last Wednesday of the month.
Under the auspices of the Days of Poetry and Wine festival.
What else was going on
2 Jubilee Wicked Tasting were held at the same time as Days of Poetry and Wine International festival at the end of August. First, 89th Wicked Tasting! was dedicated to Czech wines, because of this year's focus on Czech poetry at DPW. Monika Hejtmanova, from R. Schmied Great Wine (Zweigelt rose and indigenous Czech Palava) The second Wicked Tasting, 90th was dedicated to Slovenian wines. We tasted Festival wine chardonnay (Vinag), Blaufränkisch (Grozman) and Merlot (Fedora, Women&Wine Slovenija)
More: at the main event at Days of Poetry and Wine at Vrazov square was another interesting wine event going on. It is called Wine Altar (vinski altar in Slovenian language), where you can taste selected wines. Its aim is to raising the culture of wine drinking.This year I selected those wines:
Wine Altar
Festival wine chardonnay 2022, dry, VINAG
Šipon (Furmint) 2022, dry, STATERA
Sauvignon 2022, dry, HERGA
Renski rizling (Riesling) 2021, dry, VERUS
Laški rizling (Welschriesling) 2020, dry, KRAMER
Traminer 2022, semi dry, KOBAL WINES
Pálava Hnanice 2022, sweet, R. SCHMIED GREAT WINE (Czech)
Pullus pinot noir2020, dry, PTUJSKA KLET
My TOP 3 at DPW
Festival wine chardonnay 2022, dry, VINAG
Riesling 2021, dry, Verus
Merlot 2016, dry, Fedora (Women and Wine Slovenia)