Guilty Pleasure Blog London 2010
The London international wine fair (LIWF) 2010
by stasa cafuta (text and photos)
Faced with the sea of wine
I just came from the London international wine fair, which was held from 18 – 20 May 2010. That was mine third presence there and it was also Fair Thirty Years anniversary …. It’s just a coincidence, that was founded this year … the year of changes. Event was smaller more than ever, crises also affected wine industry, but that doesn’t mean that the presentation was not cool. Only robust and “the best” wineries came to show. I was faced with a sea of world best wines.
Here are my TOP 5 wines:
Diemersfontein; Pinotage 2009; South Africa (dark chocolate & creamy coffee);
Abrau Durso; Premium Brut 2006; Russia (champagne taste with a Russian soul)
Colome Ascension; Malbec 2008; Argentina (mature bilberry & vanilla)
Vinex Slavyantsi; Leva winemakers selection – Misket & Dimiat Chardonnay 2009; (fresh like the summer breeze); Bulgaria
Diamond Ridge; Sauvignon Blanc 2009; (strong green pepper, taste lasting and developing in mouth); California - USA.
Nevertheless, I didn’t forget Slovenian wineries.
Here are my TOP 6 producers:
Marof (
Ptujska klet - Pullus (
Steyer (
Vina Koper (
Joannes (
Movia (
Wines of India debut at the LIWF 2010 – they were big attraction to taste … J
OK, that’s not all I have to say, but, I have to stop at this point … – where the 3rd opinion counts.