Wine Tasting Club of Slovenia Workshop: Tips and Tricks of (Big) White Wines 2012
by stasa cafuta trcek (text & photos)
Where: Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana
When: 25 April, 2012
What: Workshop: Tips and Tricks (Big) White Wines
The Wine Tasting Club of Slovenia – Klub pokuševalcev vina Slovenije, had at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana professional education lesson named: Tips and tricks of (big) white Wines. It was about what does big wine is, and how to recognise it. Workshop was led by Dušan Brejc (Vinska družba Slovenije), profesor dr. Tatjana Košmerl, oenologist Bojan Kobal (Ptujska klet) and publicist Tomaž Sršen.
Malvazija prestige 2008, 14%, Rodica
Sauvignon Vajgen V 2007, 14,5%, Dveri Pax
Steyer Mark extreme 2008, 14%, Steyer
We tasted:
Chardonnay 2006, 12%, Mlečnik
Malvazija prestige 2008, 14%, Rodica
Carolina 2009, 13,5%, Jakončič
Veliko belo 2007, 12,5%, Movia
Akord 2005, 14,5%, Šturm
Amfora bela zvrst 2006, 13%, Kabaj
Pullus bela zvrst (cuvee) 2009, 14%, Ptujska klet
White star of Stiria 2003, 12,5%, Kupljen
Sauvignon Vajgen V 2007, 14,5%, Dveri Pax
Steyer Mark extreme 2008, 14%, Steyer