Teran in Ljubljana 2013
We tasted:
Teran PTP 2012 Matej COLJA, Teran PTP 2012 DURCIK- PETELIN, Teran PTP 2008 Edi KANTE, Teran PTP 2012 Boris LISJAK, Teran PTP 2009 Matej LUPINC, Teran PTP 2012 VINARSTVO OREL, Teran PTP 2012 PETELIN- ROGELJA, Teran PTP 2011 Darjo PIPAN, Teran PTP 2012 Marko PUPIS, Teran PTP 2012 Martin KOVAČIČ, Teran PTP 2012 Dušan REBULA, Teran PTP 2012 COLJA, Teran PTP 2011 GRČA, Teran PTP 2011 BAJTA, Teran PTP 2012 Bojan RADIŠIČ, Teran PTP 2012 ŠIRCA - KODRIČ, Teran PTP 2012 Miroslav STOPAR, Teran PTP 2009 Sandi ŠKERK, Teran PTP 2012 Jožef ŠKERLJ, Teran PTP 2012 Izidor ŠKERLJ, Teran PTP 2012 David ŠTOK, Teran PTP 2012 VINA ŠTOKA, Teran PTP 2011 Milena in Bogdan TAVČAR, Teran PTP 2012 Rikardo VREBEC, Teran PTP 2012 VINAKRAS z.o.o. SEŽANA, Teran PTP 2011 Benjamin ZIDARICH.
More: www.agrotur.si/en
Every year at the end of the Spring Teran wine is presented in Ljubljana. It is already a traditional event hosted by winemakers from the (Slovenian) Karst – KRAS. A consortium KARST growers of Teran (Konzorcij kraških pridelovalcev Terana)", with the aim of linking major Karst winemakers, improving the quality of Teran and joint promotion of the Karst in general. We had a chance to taste vintages 2012, 2011, 2009 and 2008. Teran is a Slovenian specialty. And if you ever come to Slovenia TERAN is must taste wine. Why? Living in Karst is very difficult. An integral feature of the Karst region is strong wind, called Burja. Karst contains many caves, have a unique landscape – with many sinkholes and biological characteristics. Arable land is little. The water level oscillates during the season. People from Karst are strong. Harsh climate also influenced the architecture. Villages are built of stone. So you can imagine out of that short description, that Teran is Rustic wine with intensive red colour and lower alcohol content. It is fresh in mouth. You can smell forest fruits. Teran calls for food!
What is so special in Teran?
Teran is a Slovenian specialty. In Slovenia, Teran is protected by the mark PTP (meaning Recognized Traditional Denomination), regulated by the Rules on Wine (hereinafter: “Rules”) for recognized traditional denomination – Teran (OG RS nr. 16, 15. 2.2008). Teran PTP wine is made exclusively from grapes of the variety Refosco grown on absolute winegrowing sites, within the frame of the winegrowing sub-district of Kras or the Trieste-Komen Plateau, which stretches between the left bank of the Vipava River in the north and the Bay of Trieste in the south, the Soča Ravine in the west and the town of Ilirska Bistrica in the east. The soil, which accumulates through the decomposition or dissolution of various limestones, contains considerable amounts of carbonate skeleton which gives it the moniker kremenčica (“carbonate soil”). Extensive amounts of carbonate skeleton contribute to the greater acidity of Brz-horizons in the soil and consequently create specific conditions for the cultivation of Teran vines. Due to its characteristic intensive red colour, the soil is also known as red soil, terra rossa or jerina. Absolute winegrowing sites are airy and do not lie within the deep depressions of Kras funnels. (source: www.agrotur.si/en)
Did you know Teran is known as a healthy wine
Its colour is the result of a high concentration of biologically active red pigments called anthocyanins. These have been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as they impede the advancement of arteriosclerosis and reduce the blood level of harmful low density cholesterol (LDL). Anthocyanins also traverse into brain cells. Available studies offer reasonable grounds to believe that they help improve brain functions and impede the occurrence of neurodegenerative conditions. In addition, anthocyanins exhibit anticarcinogenic properties. They also have a positive impact on the prevention of metabolic syndrome and diabetes occurrence, as well as on ocular health as they are proven to strengthen the walls of eye capillaries and increase their flexibility. (source: www.agrotur.si/en)
Teran PTP 2012, Vinakras (standard Teran)
Teran PTP 2012, Matej Colja (very fresh and fruity)
Teran PTP 2009, Sandi Škerk (oaky but still "in")
by stasa cafuta trcek (text & photos)
Where: Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 24 May 2013
What: Promotion of Teran PTP from consortium KARST growers of Teran