Guilty Pleasure Blog RAW The Artisan Wine Fair London 2015
May 17th, 18th 2015, The Old Truman Brewery, London UK
by stasa cafuta trcek (text and photo)
Festivals dedicated to nature friendly production are on the rise. Winemakers and Winelovers are more and more conscious that living without pesticides and other bad things in our food is the future. “This year's RAW London was epic. Phenomenal wine growers came from the four corners of the globe to share their wines and our record level of visitors was overwhelming. So if you were one of the 4350-strong visitors who visited over the two days and helped make it what it was, thank you,« at the end of the event told Isabelle Legeron MW, creator of RAW festival.
And what is for me as a wine taster important in this show? (Conventional) Wine tasters should be educated about new sensory perception. It is no doubt that professional tasters detect mistakes and diseases but the problem is that they were learned sensory for conventional production. Wine who is not made using packets of yeasts, vitamins, enzymes, Mega Purple, reverse osmosis, cryoextraction or powdered tannins, has different sensory and it is necessary for wine taster to identify the sensors in these wines. I tasted some really nice wines, wines with different tastes and also unfortunately wines with mistakes.
On the show there were also winemakers from Slovenia: Movia, Janko Štekar, Klabjan, Gordia and Šuman.
En Chinvre 2013, dry, 12.5%, Yves Duport Winery, Roussette du Bugey, Montagnieu, France
Antika Tramin, dry, 14%, Milan Nestarec, Moravske zemske vino, Czech Republic
Davenport Sparkling 2010, 12%, Davenport Winery, East Sussex, UK